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What is One-Touch Switch?

whimsical illustration of a girl wearing glasses and a mustard jumper using a desktop computer than resembles an imac. She is working through a checklist on the screen.

One-Touch Switch is a broadband process set up to make switching internet service providers easier. But what exactly is it, and how will it affect you?

What is the One-Touch Switch Broadband Process(OTS)?

One-Touch Switch, sometimes abbreviated to ‘OTS’, is designed to make switching broadband providers much easier for all. Switching should be seamless and hassle-free, with customers no longer required to contact their current provider when changing services.

Initially planned to launch in April 2023, One-Touch Switch officially launched on 12 September 2024, but not without a few hiccups. Unfortunately, at the time of writing, despite the official launch date passing, not all broadband providers in the UK have been able to confirm they can promise OTS will be in place, but many of the big names have! For example, you should no longer have to get in touch with your existing provider when switching between Openreach and Virgin Media networks.

How does One Touch Switch work?

When you click the ‘Get deal’ button on Broadband Genie and complete the checkout process to switch broadband providers, the One Touch Switch Process (OTS) should automatically trigger. This means that you won’t have to have any awkward conversations with the broadband provider you’re leaving or sit waiting on the phone (unless you’d like to try your luck at one last haggle).

All the technical aspects of the switch will be arranged between providers without you having to worry about it.

On top of this, any loss of service that might occur during a switch should not exceed 1 working day.

In practical terms, the only thing you’ll need to worry about will be:

  • The delivery of your new Wi-Fi router
  • The confirmed switch date
  • Any engineer visits you may need to arrange

One Touch Switch Process Graphic

Who do I have to get in touch with when switching providers with One-Touch Switch?

Not all providers have been able to implement One Touch Switch yet. But all's not lost. If you’re switching between suppliers and either one or both aren't listed as offering One Touch Switch but both run on the Openreach network, you can already make use of a slightly different scheme called the ‘One-Stop’ switching process. This involves fewer steps than the traditional method, but may require some contact with your current provider.

Which providers have gone live with One-Touch Switch?

You can check whether both your new and existing providers are in TOTSCo’s Live Directory.

If you can’t confirm both providers are ready for this process, you should get in touch with your current provider to let them know you’re leaving and arrange the switchover timings yourself.

How One-Touch Switch works when broadband switching: step-by-step

The new ‘One Touch’ process will make it easier to get a faster package, cheaper deal or better customer service. The switch process should take place in just one day. Here’s how it will work:

  1. Compare and select a new deal on Broadband Genie and complete the checkout

  2. Share your details, including your name, address and your losing provider’s name.

  3. Receive automatic switching information, including any early termination charges you need to pay from your current provider

  4. Approve a consent to switch (this can also happen over the phone or in a live chat conversation) and receive contract details from your new provider

  5. Your new service will begin on the agreed date, and old services will cease.

Will I need to pay a fee to switch or cancel my broadband with One-Touch Switch or One-Stop Switch?

You may not have to speak to your provider, but don’t forget you’re still obliged to serve the minimum term of your contract. That means, if you switch broadband services earlier than your contract end date, you’ll be charged an early termination fee.

If you’re keen to get out of your current contract, it’s worth exploring switching credit offers. Some providers will reimburse early termination fees up to a fixed price. For example, Sky’s Switch Credit will refund up to £200 if you move over to one of its TV and Broadband bundle deals, or £100 for a Sky Broadband only deal.

Meanwhile, Hyperoptic’s ‘Switch Now’ offer allows you to switch while you’re still in contract with your current provider. You’ll be able to receive 9 months’ free service. This is made possible because Hyperoptic runs off its own full fibre broadband network. You’ll technically be running two broadband services at the same time. However, this cuts out the hassle of worrying about the crossover for a go-live date or early termination charges.

Unfortunately, Hyperoptic isn’t available in all areas of the UK. To find out which service providers you have access to, you can use Broadband Genie’s deals checker:

Broadband Genie deals checker

Who will oversee the One-Touch Switch process?

The One Touch Switch Company (TOTSCo) is responsible for the OTS process. This is a not for profit company created by the Telecoms industry.

In 2021, the telecoms regulator, Ofcom decided there needed to be a simplified process for switching broadband and landline services. The initial work was led by the Office of the Telecommunications Adjudicator (“OTA2”). TOTsCo was developed and took over the process in 2022.

Where can I find out about the latest One-Touch Switch developments?

The One Touch Switch process makes moving to a new supplier much simpler and quicker, and that can only be a good thing! Less admin and time spent on calls means that you’ll be even more in control of making sure you’re never payment more than you should for your broadband.

On its official launch date of the 12 September 2024, many of the big-named ISPs were confirmed as being listed on the TOTSCo hub directory. This includes the likes of Virgin Media, BT, NOW Broadband, Plusnet, TalkTalk, Vodafone and Sky, which means you'd likely be able to sign up to one of these brilliant deals today:

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Many smaller alternative network providers are also included on this list. This should give you the confidence to switch without getting bogged down in the technicalities.

And with Broadband Genie to help you find the best value deals, you could be effortlessly slashing your monthly bills.

Meet the author:

Online Editor

Broadband Genie's Editor, Emma Davenport, has been contributing to the site since 2007. She has 20 years of experience writing articles, guides and tutorials on consumer technology for magazines and online.

Specialist subject: Broadband advice for vulnerable people

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