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Ofcom Announces 2011 Customer Service Satisfaction Levels and New Complaint Handling Rules

Ofcom, the UK's independent communication industry regulator, published the results of their customer service satisfaction levels research today. Thousands of consumers were interviewed as part of the research, and the results cover the main broadband market leaders; BT, Orange, Sky, TalkTalk and Virgin.

One of the positive outcomes of this latest survey is that Orange (who recently announced the removal of the fair usage policy on their unlinited packages) have turned around from being the least satisfactory broadband provider in the 2009 Ofcom survey to providing the best customer service out of the five major ISPs listed. BT and Sky have also fared well with an increase in reported satisfaction, with TalkTalk coming in with the least satisfied customers.

This research coincides with new rules that are due to be enforced from tomorrow which will require ISPs to do more in their efforts to help resolve customer complaints. Currently UK ISPs are required to join Ofcom-approved Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) schemes, though this information is not always available to customers. The new rules will now require ISPs to:

  • Make dispute resolution information available on all paper bills.
  • Write to customers whose complaints haven't been within eight weeks to let them know they have the right to take their complaint to a dispute resolution service.

Broadband.co.uk welcomes these changes.

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